Hotels in Taormina


San Domenico Palace

San Domenico Palace, Taormina

San Domenico Palace, Taormina, A Four Seasons Hotel.


Grand Hotel Timeo

Grand Hotel Timeo, Taormina

Grand Hotel Timeo, Taormina.

Grand Hotel Miramare

Grand Hotel Miramare

Grand Hotel Miramare

Excelsior Palace Hotel

Excelsior Palace Hotel

Excelsior Palace Hotel.


Hotel Villa Ducale

Hotel Villa Ducale (Photo: Torild Egge)


Greek Theatre, Taormina

The Greek theatre in Taormina. Below the mountain to the left is Hotel Timeo, the first hotel to be opened in Taormina, in 1864.




Cable Car: Taormina-Mazzarò

cable car Taormina

You can take the cable car from Taormina to the beach.

Hotel Villa Ducale

Hotel Villa Ducale

Hotel Villa Ducale, Taormina.
Photo: Torild Egge




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