Cats in Sicily / Italy
A cat living in the ruins in Via del protonotario, not far from the cathedral in Palermo.
Kitten in the garden at Villa Palagonia.
Cat in Cefalù.
Cat resting on a Vespa near the Archeological Museum in Palermo.
Cat in Napoli.
Cat resting in a deserted building in Palermo.
A cat resting in Ragusa Ibla.
Cat on the hood of the editor's car during a visit to Gibilmanna.
A cat inspects the cloister garden at San Giovanni degli Eremiti, Palermo.
Cat resting in the garden at San Giovanni degli Eremiti, Palermo.
Curious cats in Cefalù. The one to the right was obviously struggling with health issues.
Cat in Agrigento.
Kitten in a shed at Villa Palagonia, Bagheria.